Table of Contents
Policy and Regulations of the Florence County Library
Revised 01/14/21
I. Mission and Goals
A. The mission of the Florence County Library is to provide quality materials and services which fulfill educational, informational, cultural, and recreational needs of the entire community in an atmosphere that is welcoming, respectful, and businesslike.
B. The general library goals of the Florence County Library shall be:
- To serve all residents of the community and the surrounding region.
- To acquire and make available to all residents of the above area such books, periodicals, pamphlets, and other services as will address their needs to a) become well informed, b) locate answers to important questions, c) cultivate the imagination and creative expression, d) develop skills for career and vocational advancement, and e) enjoy leisure by means of reading and other media services.
- To acquire the means to provide the most frequently requested material locally and upon demand.
- To maintain a program of service which locates information, guides reading, organizes and interprets material for people of various backgrounds, and stimulates thinking and intellectual development in individuals of any age.
- To strive consistently to discover new methods and improvements for better service for the library’s customers.
- To review regularly these goals of the Florence County Library and, if necessary, revise them in the light of new developments.
II. Who May Use the Library
A. The library will serve all residents of the county and the public library system area. Service will not be denied or abridged because of religious, racial, social, economic, or political status; or because of mental, emotional, or physical condition; age; or sexual orientation.
B. The use of the library may be denied for due cause. Such cause may be failure to return library materials or to pay penalties, destruction of library property, disturbance of other patrons, or any other illegal, disruptive, or objectionable conduct on library premises.
III. Patron Responsibilities and Conduct
It is a patron’s responsibility to maintain necessary and proper standards of behavior in order to protect his/her individual rights and the rights and privileges of other patrons. If a patron creates a public nuisance, that patron may be restricted from the Library and from the use of the library facilities. Those who are unwilling to leave or do not leave within a reasonable amount of time, after being instructed to do so by the staff, will be subject to the law.
Young children:
The Florence County Library encourages visits by young children and it is our desire to make this important visit both memorable and enjoyable for the child. Library staff is not expected to assume responsibility for the care of unsupervised children in the library.
Therefore, it is library policy that all children under age six must be accompanied by a parent or designated responsible person while in the library. Also, if the young child is attending a library program, we require the parent/responsible person to remain in the library throughout the program.
Disruptive children:
Children of all ages are encouraged to use the library for homework, recreational reading, and program attendance. The library staff realizes that the library will be noisier at busy times and that children by nature can cause more commotion. However, children (whether with parents or not) who are being continually disruptive will be given a warning that he/she must settle down or will be asked to leave the library. If after a second warning the child continues to be disruptive, he/she will be asked to leave the library and parents may be called. If the child needs to contact a parent, they may do so and then wait with a staff person until the parent arrives.
IV. Services of the Library
The library provides materials and resources for information, entertainment, intellectual development, and enrichment of the people of the community. The library should endeavor to:
- Select, organize, and make available necessary books and materials.
- Provide guidance and assistance to patrons.
- Sponsor and implement programs, exhibits, displays, book lists, etc., which would appeal to children and adults.
- Cooperate with other community agencies and organizations.
- Secure information beyond its own resources when requested. (Using interlibrary loan and other resource sharing methods provided through the system and state.)
- Lend to other libraries upon request.
- Develop and provide services to patrons with special needs.
- Maintain a balance in its services to various age groups.
- Cooperate with, but not perform the functions of, school or other institutional libraries.
- Provide service during hours which best meet the needs of the community, including evening and weekend hours.
- Regularly review library services being offered.
- Use media and other public relations mechanisms to promote the full range of available library services.
V. Responsibilities and Authorities of the Library Board
Refer to Chapter 43 of the Wisconsin Statutes (particularly section 43.58), the Wisconsin Public Library Trustee Manual, and individual library bylaws to provide basis and framework for the responsibilities and authority of the library board and individual trustees.
The Florence County Library encourages each library trustee to take advantage of training opportunities for trustees offered by the public library system or statewide agencies and organizations. Likewise, the Library encourages trustees to be active in the state library organization and its efforts to inform the governor and legislature of the benefits and needs of public libraries.
The Library Board may meet and transact business by call in, email or electronic computer based methods as needed. Quorum requirements remain unchanged.
VI. Volunteers and Friends
The Library Board encourages individuals and groups to volunteer their time and efforts in the service of the Florence County Library. In appreciation of volunteer services, the Library acknowledges the need to organize volunteer activities and provide for appropriate recognition befitting the benefit to the library and the communities it serves.
Annual recognition will be given based on the number of hours of service. This will include a listing of volunteer names in a newspaper release, a certificate of appreciation, and the addition of a book to the collection in each volunteer’s name.
A library friends group is a formal association of people who unite to plan and execute, in conjunction with library goals and the needs of the library director, programs and events to benefit the library. In particular, a friends group is often heavily involved in fund-raising for the library and often oversees periodic book sales. Friends groups always serve at the pleasure of the library board which is the only body with legal authority to set policy for the development of the library.
VII. Materials Selection/Collection Development Policy
A. Objectives
The purpose of the Florence County Library is to provide all individuals in the county with carefully selected books and other materials to aid the individual in the pursuit of education, information, research, pleasure, and the creative use of leisure time.
Because of the volume of publishing, as well as the limitations of budget and space, the library must have a selection policy with which to meet county interests and needs.
The materials selection/collection development policy is used by the library staff in the selection of materials and also serves to acquaint the general public with the principles of selection.
The Library Bill of Rights and The Freedom to Read Statement have been endorsed by the Florence County Library Board of Trustees and are integral parts of the policy.
The materials selection/collection development policy, like all other policies, will be reviewed and/or revised as the need arises.
B. Responsibility for Selection
The ultimate responsibility for selection of library materials rests with the library director who operates within the framework of the policies determined by the Florence County Library Board of Trustees. This responsibility may be shared with other members of the library staff; however, because the director must be available to answer to the library board and the general public for actual selections made, the director has the authority to reject or select any item contrary to the recommendations of the staff.
C. Criteria for Selection
- The main points considered in the selection of materials are:
- individual merit of each item
- popular appeal/demand
- suitability of material for clientele
- existing library holdings
- budget
- Reviews are a major source of information about new materials.
- The lack of a review or an unfavorable review shall not be the sole reason for rejecting a title which is in demand. Consideration is, therefore, given to requests from library patrons and books discussed on public media. Materials are judged on the basis of the work as a whole, not on a part taken out of context.
D. Interlibrary Loan
Because of limited budget and space, the library cannot provide all materials that are requested. Therefore, interlibrary loan is used to obtain from other libraries those materials that are beyond the scope of this library’s collection.
In return for utilizing interlibrary loan to satisfy the needs of our patrons, the Florence County Library agrees to lend its materials to other libraries through the same interlibrary loan network, and to make an effort to have its current holdings listed in a tool that is accessible by other libraries throughout the state.
E. Gifts and Donations
The library accepts gifts of books and other materials with the understanding that they will be added to the collection only if appropriate and needed. If they are not needed because of duplication, condition, or dated information the director can dispose of them as he/she sees fit. The same criteria of selection which are applied to purchase materials are applied to gifts. Memorial gifts of books or money are also accepted with suitable bookplates placed in the book. Money donations will be used specifically for library needs. Specific memorial books can be ordered for the library on request of a patron if the request meets the criteria established by the Board. It is desirable for gifts of or for specific titles to be offered after consultation with the library director. Book selection will be made by the director if no specific book is requested. The Florence County Library encourages and appreciates gifts and donations.
By law, the library is not allowed to appraise the value of donated materials, though it can provide an acknowledgment of receipt of the items if requested by the donor.
F. Weeding
An up-to-date, attractive and useful collection is maintained through a continual withdrawal and replacement process. Replacement of worn volumes is dependent upon current demand, usefulness, more recent acquisitions, and availability of newer editions. This ongoing process of weeding is the responsibility of the library director and is authorized by the Board of Trustees. Books that have not circulated in the past 5 years should be strongly considered for removal from the collection according to Nicolet and OWLSnet reports. Weeding of materials will be handled according to the guidelines established by Nicolet and OWLS. Withdrawn materials will be handled in a similar manner and under the same authority as donated materials.
G. Potential Problems or Challenges
The Florence County Library recognizes that some materials are controversial and that any given item may offend some patrons. Selection of materials will not be made on the basis of anticipated approval or disapproval, but solely on the basis of the principles stated in this policy.
Responsibility for the reading of children rests with their parents or legal guardians. Selection of library materials will not be inhibited by the possibility that materials may come into the possession of children.
Library materials will not be marked or identified to show approval or disapproval of their contents, and no library material will be sequestered except to protect it from damage or theft.
H. Challenged Materials
Although materials are carefully selected, there can arise differences of opinion regarding suitable materials. Patrons requesting that material be withdrawn from or restricted within the collection may complete a “Statement of Concern about Library Resources” form which is available in the library. The inquiry will be placed on the agenda of the next regular meeting of the Florence County Library Board of Trustees.
VIII. Circulation Policy
A. Registration
All borrowers must be registered and must have a valid system patron card to borrow library materials.
The following statement will be printed on the computerized registration form for the patron’s information and acceptance:
I accept responsibility for library materials borrowed with the library card issued to me until I report the card lost or stolen. I agree to pay fines for materials returned to the library after their due date and to reimburse the library for materials that are lost, damaged or stolen.
Signature _________________________________
Identification is required. A driver’s license or student ID is preferred; however, any other official ID or recent nonpersonal piece of mail may be acceptable.
Applicants under 18 years of age must have a parent or guardian give their consent on the application form before a new card can be issued. This parental signature is not required for children who are renewing cards. Materials cannot be checked out until a library card is issued.
All library cards expire after 3 years.
B. Lost or forgotten cards
If a patron loses his/her library card, he should notify the library as soon as possible and request a replacement.
All patrons, adult and juvenile, are expected to bring their library cards with them if they intend to check out items. An individual who repeatedly ignores this expectation may be denied the privilege of checking out materials until they present their card at the library.
C. Loan periods
- 28 days for books.
- Generally, reference books do not circulate. Upon request, some reference materials may be checked out overnight.
- Interlibrary loans are due the date indicated by the lending library.
- Books may be renewed twice if there is not a waiting list for the title.
- Magazines may be checked out for two weeks.
- 14 days for music CDs.
- 28 days for audio books.
- 7 days for videos.
The director may establish the loan period for special collections, materials which are temporarily in great demand, such as for student projects, or materials added to the collection which are in a new format.
There is a limit of 75 items a patron can borrow at one time, 25 of which may be audiovisual materials.
D. Holds
Holds may be placed by patrons either in person, online, or over the phone. There is a limit of 15 items that may be placed on hold by a patron. Patrons will be notified by email or phone when the materials are available. There is no charge to the patron for placing a hold.
E. Damaged materials
If materials are damaged so as to be judged by the library as being unsuitable for the collection, the patron must pay the replacement cost.
F. Confidentiality
As specified in Wisconsin Statutes 43.30, “records of any library which is in whole or in part supported by public funds, including the records of a public library system, indicating the identity of any individual who borrows or uses the library’s documents or other materials, resources or services may not be disclosed except by court order or to persons acting within the scope of their duties in the administration of the library or library system, to persons authorized by the individual to inspect such records, or to libraries authorized under subs. (2) and (3).”
Wisconsin State Statute 43.30 and the Florence County Library protect the privacy of library users. Confidentiality extends to information sought or received, and a material consulted, borrowed, or acquired, and includes database search records, reference interviews, interlibrary loan records, and all other personally identifiable uses of library materials, facilities, or services.
The First Amendment of the United States Constitution guarantees freedom of speech and of the press. This requires the corresponding right to hear what is spoken and read what is written, free from fear of intrusion, intimidation, or reprisal. Confidentiality is essential to protect the exercise of these rights from invasions of privacy.
The Florence County Library is an impartial resource providing information on all points of view, available to all persons regardless of age, race, religion, national origin, social or political views, economic status, or any other characteristic. This role must not be compromised by an erosion of the privacy rights of our library users.
The Florence County Library recognizes that law enforcement agencies and officers may occasionally believe that library records contain information which would be helpful to the investigation of criminal activity. If there is a reasonable basis to believe such records are necessary to the progress of an investigation or prosecution, our judicial system provides the mechanism for seeking release of such confidential records. The issuance of a court order, following a showing of good cause based on specific facts by a court of competent jurisdiction, is required for release of such information.
In accordance with Wisconsin law, custodial parents or guardians of children under age 16 may, upon request, review library records pertaining to their children’s use of the library’s documents or other materials, resources, or services. Custodial parents and guardians must sign the Florence County Library form certifying that the requester is the custodial parent or guardian of the child whose records have been requested before the Library will provide those records to the parent or guardian.
The Florence County Library adheres strictly to all sections of this Statute regarding the protection of the confidentiality of its users.
IX. Reference Service Policy
The Florence County Library:
- will provide information in the form of short answers to specific questions and guidance in locating material for patrons who appear in person, call on the telephone, or request information through correspondence;
- will assist patrons in the use of the Library and teach basic research methodology, when appropriate (this includes providing help in developing a research strategy and advice on whether a trip to the Library would be worthwhile for individuals who phone);
- will provide bibliographic verification of items both in the Library and not owned by the Library and will assist patrons in obtaining materials through interlibrary loan, when appropriate;
- may refer library users to other agencies and libraries in pursuit of needed information;
- may use not only the Library’s resources in printed form, but consult appropriate digital resources as well as the regional resource library and other agencies by phone in pursuit of “ready reference” information.
X. Programming Policy
A “program” is a planned interaction between the library staff and the program participants for the purpose of promoting library materials, facilities, or services, as well as offering the community an informational, entertaining, or cultural experience.
Programming includes but not limited to such activities as story times, summer library program for children, speakers for young adults, and book or author discussion groups for adults.
The board, in conjunction with the library director, will establish a budget and goals for programming to facilitate the effective implementation of this service.
XI. Public Relations Policy
A. Public relations goals of the Florence County Library are:
- to promote a good understanding of the Library’s objectives and services among governing officials, civic leaders, and the general public;
- to promote active participation in the varied services offered by the library to people of all ages.
B. The Board recognizes that public relations involves every person who has connection with the Library. The Board urges its own members and every staff member to realize that he or she represents the library in every public contact. Good service supports good public relations.
XII. Equipment Use Policy
Computers are available to patrons on a first-come, first-served basis. Instructions for operating hardware are displayed near the computer. There is no charge for use of the microcomputer; however, in order to make the service available to as many patrons as possible, a time limit for usage has been imposed. That time limit is 30 minutes. Library staff is available for general assistance in using the computer. However, staff is not expected to train patrons in the use of application programs. Tutorial manuals will be provided when available.
A printer is available. Printer paper will be determined by the Board and paid for at the conclusion of the session.
A photocopy machine is available to patrons who wish to copy materials at the rate determined by the Board per page.
Copy machine users are advised that there are restrictions on copyrighted materials. Any violation of copyright is the responsibility of the copy machine user.
The Theater System shall be used for the benefit of the Florence County Library while the Library is open for Library Events only.
Tablets and all other technology that circulates is the responsibility of the patron once it is checked out. The patron is responsible for any damages and or late fees.
XIII. Internet Use Policy
The Florence County Library is providing access to the Internet as a means to enhance the information and learning opportunities for the citizens of the library’s service area. The Board of Trustees has established the Internet use policy to ensure appropriate and effective use of this resource.
Access to the Internet is available to all patrons; however, this service may be restricted at any time for use not consistent with the guidelines. Parents of minor children must assume responsibility for their children’s use of the library’s Internet service; prior to being granted access to the Internet.
Users should be aware that the inappropriate use of electronic information resources can be a violation of local, state, and federal laws and can lead to prosecution. The user will be held responsible for his/her actions using the Internet. Users are expected to abide by the policies below which include generally accepted rules of network etiquette. Unacceptable uses of the service will result in the suspension or revocation of Internet use privileges.
The Internet is a decentralized, unmoderated global network; the Florence County Library has no control over the content found there. The library will not censor access to material nor protect users from offensive information, and it is not responsible for the availability and accuracy of information found on the Internet.
The library cannot assure that data or files downloaded by users are virus-free. The library is not responsible for damages to equipment or data on a user’s personal computer from the use of data downloaded from the library’s Internet service.
The use of the Internet and e-mail is not guaranteed to be private. Messages relating to or in support of illegal activities will be reported to the proper authorities.
- Users may use the Internet for research and the acquisition of information to address their educational, vocational, cultural, and recreational needs
- Users may use the Internet for the receipt and transmission of electronic mail (e-mail) as long as they use a free e-mail service which will establish and maintain an account for them; the library is unable to manage e-mail accounts for any organizations or individuals
- Internet use is offered in thirty (30) minute sessions on a first-come, first-served basis; each user is allowed one session–if there is no patron waiting for the service at the end of a session, the user can have another session, but once having had the service for 30 minutes the user must abandon use of the Internet if another patron requests use of the service
- Users will respect and uphold copyright laws and all other applicable laws and regulations; they will not use it for illegal purposes
- Users will respect the rights and privacy of others by not accessing private files
- Users agree not to incur any costs for the library through their use of the Internet service
- Users shall not create and/or distribute computer viruses over the Internet
- Users shall not deliberately or willfully cause damage to computer equipment, programs, or parameters
XIV. Wireless Internet Access Policy
Wireless Internet access is available at the Florence County Library for use by library patrons. Use of the wireless network is subject to the following conditions and guidelines:
- The library does not filter any content and cannot control information accessed through the Internet.
- The library assumes no responsibility for the independent use of the wireless network by children. Parents are responsible for the independent use of the wireless network, and the Internet, by their children under the age of 18.
- The library’s wireless network may not be used for any unauthorized, illegal, or unethical purposes.
- The library prohibits use of the wireless network to access material that is obscene, contains child pornography, or is harmful to minors.
- The library prohibits use of the wireless network to misrepresent oneself online for any purpose including gaining access to people or services.
- Inappropriate use may result in denial of access to the wireless network.
- The library does not guarantee the availability of the wireless network.
- The network may not be available during times of high use or during technical problems.
- Signal strength and performance may vary within the building. Some areas may not have service or may experience slower service.
- The library’s wireless network is not intended to be a source of Internet service for any residence or business location. Continuous or regular connection to the wireless network from outside the library may be inappropriate and may be blocked.
- The library expects patrons to configure their own equipment to access the wireless network and is not responsible for any damage resulting to personal equipment from improper configurations.
- Printing is not available from library’s wireless network.
- Due to restrictions by Internet Service Providers only web-based email is likely to function correctly on the library’s wireless network.
XV. Open Records Compliance
Acting pursuant to section 19.33 (4) of the Wisconsin Statutes, the Florence County Library Board designates the following position occupied by a library employee as legal custodian of the public records described. The legal custodian is vested with full legal authority to render decisions and carry out the duties enumerated in Chapter 19, subchapter 11, Public Records and Property of the Wisconsin Statutes.
Position of Legal Custodian: Stephanie Weber, Library Director
Records for Which She is Responsible: Board minutes and related materials; library employee records; financial, property, and all other administrative records, library registration and circulation records.
Location of Records: The director/circulation desk of the Florence County Library
The hours during which interested individuals may request access to or copy of public records are: any hour that the library is open. Information on requesting access to or obtaining copies of public records, the costs that may be charged, and/or the period of time allowed for acting on a request can be obtained from Stephanie via phone, 715-528-3094 or email, sweber@florencecountylibrary.org
NOTE: Created by chapter 355, Laws of 1981, section 43.30 of the Wisconsin Statutes reads as follows: “Public library circulation records. Records of any library which is in whole or in part supported by public funds, including the records of a public library system, indicating which of its documents or materials have been loaned to or used by an identifiable individual may not be disclosed except to persons acting within the scope of their duties in the administration of the library or library system or persons authorized by the individual to inspect such records, or by order of a court of law.”
XVI. Meeting Room Policy
The room is available to individuals or organized groups in the Library service area. Exceptions may be made by the Library Board if the Board deems extenuating circumstances are involved.
The fact that a group is permitted to meet at the Library does not in any way constitute an endorsement of the group’s policies or beliefs by the Library staff or Board.
The room may be reserved no more than ninety days in advance.
It is understood that library programming will have first priority in room use.
There will be no charge for use of the meeting room.
No admission may be charged by the group.
Refreshments may be served and shall be provided by the group. No smoking is allowed.
The people using the room shall leave it in neat, clean, orderly condition; if not, the group/individual will be given notice that continued offense will result in denied access to the meeting room.
The Library is not responsible for any equipment, supplies, materials, clothing, or other items brought to the Library by any group or individual attending a meeting.
The Library Board and staff do not assume any liability for groups or individuals attending a meeting in the Library.
XVII. Displays and Exhibits Policy
As an educational and cultural institution, the Florence County Library welcomes exhibits and displays of interest, information and enlightenment to the community. Displays of handiwork, historical material, nature study, or any other material deemed of general interest may be exhibited. The director shall accept or reject material offered for display based on its suitability and availability.
The Library assumes no responsibility for the preservation or protection, and no liability for possible damage or theft of any item displayed or exhibited. All items placed in the Library are there at the owner’s risk.
Areas available to the public for displays and exhibits are the glass exhibit case, the meeting room, and the general bulletin board. A release must be signed by the exhibitor before any artifact can be placed in the library. An example of the release follows:
Florence County Library Display and Exhibit Release
I, the undersigned, hereby lend the following works of art or other material to the Florence County Library for exhibit purposes only. In consideration of the privilege of exhibiting them in the Library, I hereby release said Library from responsibility for loss, damage, or destruction while they are in the possession of the Library.
- Exhibition to be held in the:
- During:
- Description of materials loaned:
- Signature:
- Date:
- Address:
- Telephone:
XVIII. Public Notice Bulletin Board Policy
Bulletin board materials may be submitted for posting by nonprofit organizations for civic, educational, or cultural purposes. Such organizations may submit literature publicizing a specific event. Limited space generally allows only short-term notices. The director must approve all postings and may prohibit postings which do not meet library standards. Library staff will place and remove postings promptly.
Each item posted must be dated and signed. A request for return of items, along with name and telephone number of person to be contacted, should be printed on the back of each article. Unless such arrangements are specified, items must be picked up the day following the date of the publicized event if the owners want them returned. Otherwise, the library will not be responsible for returning materials.
XIV. Disasters Policy
Do not panic, but do not under-estimate the potential danger to customers or staff represented by a fire. At the first indication of smoke or flame, investigate the situation to determine location and extent of the fire. If the fire can obviously be contained and extinguished quickly and safely by staff, proceed to do so. However, if there is any doubt about whether the fire can be controlled, immediately call 911 or the fire department and then clear the building.
The time to think about fires is before they happen. Familiarize yourself with the type, location, and application of the fire extinguisher(s) in the building. Orient all staff and volunteers to this information. If you share a building with another agency and it occasionally initiates fire drills, library staff should respect those training exercises and respond as they would in the case of a real fire.
Health emergencies
Staff members should exercise caution when administering first aid of even a minor nature because of the safety of the injured individual and the potential liability of the staff member. Without specialized training it is not advisable for staff to undertake more than keeping the sick or injured patron comfortable and protected from needless disturbance until medical help can be obtained. Since each case is unique, staff members should use their own judgment to do what is prudent and reasonable.
The Rescue Squad/Sheriff’s Department (911 if available) should be called immediately in the event of any serious problem.
No medication, including aspirin, should ever be dispensed to the public.
During public health emergency Florence County Library will follow protocol from Department od Public Instruction, Nicolet Federated Library System, School District of Florence, Florence County Health and Florence County Board of Supervisors.
Bomb threats
Keep the caller on the line as long as possible. Ask the caller to repeat the message and try to write down every word spoken by the person.
If the caller does not indicate the location of the bomb or the time of possible detonation, ASK FOR THIS INFORMATION.
Pay particular attention to peculiar background noises such as motors running, background music and any other sounds which may indicate where the location from which the call is originating.
Listen closely to the voice (male, female), voice quality (calm, excited), accents and speech impediments.
Immediately after the caller hangs up, call the police. Clear the building. The police will handle the actual bomb search.
Snow storms/Tornado/Other Extreme Weather
The Library will follow the recommendation and actions of the School District of Florence between 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Closing during other days and hours will be at the discretion of the Library Director.
XX. Revision of Library Policies
The preceding statements of Florence County Library policies shall be subject to review and needed revision at least every five years by the Library Board. Individual policies will be reviewed or added as needed.
Adopted: January 25, 2012
Reviewed: October 26, 2011
Revised and Adopted: January 14, 2016
Revised and Adopted: April 9, 2020
Revised and Adopted: January 9, 2021
XX. Appendix
Form: Statement of Concern about Library Resources
Download: Form Florence County Library Statement of Concern about Library Resources (or copy content from below)
Florence County Public Library Statement of Concern about Library Resources
Resource on which you are commenting:
_____Book | _____Audio-visual Resource |
_____Magazine | _____Content of Library Program |
_____Newspaper | _____Other |
Author/Publisher or Producer/Date:___________________
- What brought this resource to your attention?
- To what do you object? Please be as specific as possible.
- Have you read or listened or viewed the entire content? If not, what parts?
- What do you feel the effect of the material might be?
- For what age group would you recommend this material?
- In its place, what material of equal or better quality would you recommend?
- What do you want the library to do with this material?
- Additional comments: